Class of 2024
Emmanuelle Sophia Adamson More than Metaphor: Suzanne Césaire and Feminist Ecological Thought in the Caribbean
Mikaela Dirouhie Avakian Ink, Ire, Identity - Haratch & the Armenian Immigrant Press of 1920s France
Theodore Duffy Gutman Energizing a Post-Colonial Future: Resource Extraction in Congo and Algeria
Class of 2023
Elizabeth Willis Brennan Portraits of Sin: Regulating and Representing Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century Paris
Anna Elizabeth Curran Hot Commodity: The Commercial Photography of Dora Maar
José Pablo Fernández García Constructing the International: The Cité U, the Universal Expositions, and the Mexican Pavilions
Ann T. Webb "Coming Out" of Sanremo: La Rappresentazione Queer Nella Musica Italiana
Class of 2022
Ella Amsbary The Fecundity of Luce Irigaray’s Feminine Subjectivity: “Dialogue in Difference Through the Vegetal World”
Mouhamed Ndiaye La question linguistique: École Cheikh Anta Diop ou école “d’éloge de la créolité?”
Marc Schorin La théorie new jersienne
Class of 2021
Ethan J. Glattfelder Making the Monster: Bodies of Work in Old French Romance
Sarah U. Kamanzi Le Cas Adama Traoré: A Color-Blind Society and Its Reckoning with Race?
Katie Massie Pathologizing Patriarchy: Female ailments as symptoms of subordination in "The Second Sex"
Jillian Ann Quigley Bees Prefer Blue: Translating Laura Alcoba
Class of 2020
Bes Arnaout The Aporia of Asylum: A Legal and Philosophical Study of the Italian and French Refugee Protection Regulations in the “European Migrant Crisis”
Sarah Betancourt Dancing Modern Paris: The Ballet Suédois & Technologies of Mechanical Reproduction
Sergio De Iudicibus Marco Tullio Giordana’s La meglio gioventù: Archetypes, Counterculture, and the Individual
Richard Furchtgott From Demise to Splendor: A Story of Notre-Dame 1789-1846
Nathaniel Gadiano Francis Clarified: A Reading of Bonaventure’s Legenda Maior in the Light of Clare of Assisi
Rebecca Miller Campari & La Dolce Vita: A Case Study on the Role of Art, Culture, Tradition, and Novelty in Business
Michael Smilek L’Art rhétorique: Structure, performativité et légitimité
Danielle Stephenson The Sensual Other: Delicious Paradoxes in Works of Contemporary Italian Literature
Class of 2019
Elise Freeman (Un)Conscious Consumption: How Climate Change Social Advertisements Are Subversive of Greenwashing Advertisements in France
Conner Johnson A Paradigmatic Shift in Language Planning Theory: Three Case Studies
Heather Elizabeth Milke Tales of Rowing on the Seine: Selected Stories of Guy de Maupassant
Charlotte Catherine Moss A Passing Dream: The United Nations and the Security Council
Sherry Romanzi Nous autres femmes: Une étude des rôles féminins de Marivaux via le jeu dans La Double Inconstance
Adnan Sachee La Cooperation Culturelle Entre La France et Le Maghreb
Andrew E. Scott Hating the Player, Not the Game: An Analysis of French Xenophobia and Nationalism through Global Sport
Annabelle Y. Tseng Le manifeste des 343 and the Politics of Reproduction: A Study of Abortion, Contraception, and Collective Traumatization
Jason West Writing a Path Forward: Paulette Nardal, Suzanne Césaire and the Future of Martinique
Shani Williams Batouala: Using Hybridity to Deconstruct Racist Binaries & Affirm African Heritage
Class of 2018
Joseph S. Bonafede Alternative French, Middle Ground Identities: Situating Language in La Banlieue
Laura DeMaio La Seine Rougissante: The Paris Manifestations of 1961 Explained Through the Lens of the Strength of Algerian Nationalist Networks and of Historical Police Repression
Chas Firestone East Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself: A Study of the Unity and Boundaries of Subject and Object in Dante's Commedia
Anna Jayne Kimmel Staging French Integration Policy Le Festival de Marseille as a Local Strategy for Promoting Cultural Cohesion Amid National Issues of Immigration
Sarah Le Van The Influence of the Pre-Raphaelites in Debussy's "La Damoiselle élue"
Isabel Farr O'Connell CONCRETIZING IDEOLOGIES: Spatial Democratization of the Palais Garnier and the Opéra Bastille
Nicholas C. Peabody Résistant, Collabo, et un Autre: Case Studies of Artists in Occupied Paris
Kennedy G. Poore Founded in Silence Six Short Stories on Miracles, Sardinia, and Womanhood by Michela Murgia: A Translation from the Italian
Class of 2017
Juliana C. Jackson Gardening with Architecture: The Influence of Pirro Ligorio's Excavations at Hadrian's Villa On His Garden Designs at the Villa d'Este
Mary Heath Manning "Essere italiani era la nostra colpa"-Discovering the Suppressed Stories of the Foibe and the Exodus
Makenna May Educating the Elite: Examining the Role of Privilege within the Grandes Écoles and the Ivy League Schools
Michelle Navis The Relationship between Physical Movement and Text in French Theater: An Exploration of Mariette Navarro's "Nous Les Vagues"
Sophie Nguyen When History Eclipses Memory: An Analysis of Pied-Noir Memory Preservation in Contemporary France
Aaron Caleb Robertson Igiaba Scego's "Beyond Babylon" A Translation from the Italian
Bertilla Keindl Sieben Glória by István Örkény: A Translation and Critical Afterword
Class of 2016
Bennett Alvaro The Manganellas
Erika Baikoff Robert Desnos: Surrealism’s Prophet of Dreams
Alex Cuadrado The Poetics of Pilgrimage in Dante’s Commedia
Fahd Shah The Positive Representations of Franco-Arabs of Islamic Heritage in French Contemporary Visual Culture
Avanthika Srinivasan La Femme Méconnue: The Tragedy of Clarice in Pierre Corneille’s Comedy Le Menteur
Class of 2015
Whitney Charbonneau Piti Piti Zwazo Fè Nich Li: Defining the Challenges to Social Entrepreneurship in Haiti
Tyler Lee Until the Light Becomes Jealous: Five Contemporary Italian Women Poets
Madeleine Planeix-Crocker Les Arts urbains et l’institution culturelle à l’ère post-graffiti
Luca Politi Identity and Transformation: The Textual Diversity of the Novellino
Rachel Skokowski Collectionneurs Féroces: Gustave Caillebotte, Le Cousin Pons and the Relationship between Private Collections and Museums in Nineteenth-Century France
Elizabeth Sola The Geniculate Grieving of a Loquacious Lady
Class of 2014
Sarah Cooper Sacred versus Secular: Exploring Religious Themes in the Mélodies, Romances, and Cantiques of Gabriel Fauré
Kate Dreyfuss Apollinaire, Poulenc, and Intermediality: A Study of the Dynamic Interactions between Text, Image, and Music in Le Bestiaire and Calligrammes
Cole Freeman “Return to the Source”: The Reimagining of African Traditional Sources in Three Burkinabé Films
Julia Marsh Environmental Crime in Campania, Italy: Organized Crime, Toxic Waste, and the Effects of Illegal Waste Disposal
Ryohei Ozaki Le Cinéma et L’Émancipation: Chris Marker et le groupe Medvedkine 1967-1969
Annie Prasad Sans-Abri, Sans Histoire: A Study of Homelessness in Paris and San Francisco
Arden Youngblood The Nigerian Condition in Italy: Gang Activity and the Exploitation of Women
Hyun-Kyung Yuh Vers une politique: L’Hypothèse communiste d’Alain Badiou et L’Universalisme émancipateur au XXIe siècle
Class of 2013
Christina Bott Libre, Sain, Indépendent: Reorganizing the French Film Industry in the World War II Era
Erin Byrne Where There’s Smoke: The Relative Impact of Advertising and Pricing Regulations in French Tobacco Control Legislation
Julie Cerullo Glamour: From Hollywood to France and Italy…and Back
Chinwe Chukwuogo Fragments: Tracing the Evolution of Black Identity in Caribbean and West African Francophone Literature
Kathleen Galeano Child Development and the Italian Family: A Close Analysis of Parent-Child Relations in Northern Italy
Jennifer Haak Adopting Adoption: Historical Context & Cultural Representations of Homosexual Adoption in France
Heather Hammel The Paysan : a setting, a history, a vie quotidienne A study of the French and Italian familial agriculture sectors
Rebecca Kagle Image of a City: The Representation of Naples in Italian Film
Gabrielle Loeb History of Organ Transplantation in France
Michael Pearlman Finding Captain Nemo: Exploring the Depth of Character in Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Tessa Romano The Origins of Art Music in the Seventeenth-Century Italian Ghetto: Case Studies in Padua, Ferrara, Mantua, Venice and Senigallia
Megan Skalbeck Il Cavaliere non é Il Principe: Why Berlusconi Is Not Machiavelli’s Redeemer
Win Suen The Diplomatic Chameleon: Manuscripts from the Bailaggio of Pietro Bragadin (1524-1526)
Jennifer Sun Adaptations of Madame Bovary in Fiction: “The Kugelmass Episode” and Raymond Jean’s Mademoiselle Bovary
Naomi Wood “I Choose Exile”: Revisiting the French Myth of a Black Utopia
Class of 2012
William Ellis The Acadian Sense Of Self: Faith, Family, and Frenchness
Alya Forster Pour mémoire: L’Algérie dans la bande dessinée française contemporaine
Robert Jones Paradise Reinvented: Christianity and the Question of Happiness in Voltaire’s Stories
Paula Kift Germany, France and the Other: Explaining Public Opposition to Turkey’s EU Membership
Emilia Petrucci L’uomo è ciò che mangia: The Role of Pellegrino Artusi’s La Scienza in Cucina e L’Arte di Mangiar Bene in the Evolution of Italian National Identity
Christopher Riley The Eclogues of Clément Marot and the Birth of French Pastoral
Michaela Shaw The French Third Republic and Governor-General Gallieni’s Native Education Policies in Colonial Madagascar, 1896-1905
Class of 2011
Jorge Alcantar The Rhetoric Of Same Sex Desire: The Politics Of Homosexuality’s Marginalization In Contemporary Italy
Rebecca Arkin Du Nom Au Non-Dit: identité personelle et structure familial dans le théâtre de Bernard-Marie Koltès et Jean-Luc Lagarce
Natasha Benacerraf Post-War Italy Through The Cinematic Lens: “Political Degeneration”, Revolution, Terrorism
Jada Claiborne Zig et Puce et la modernisation de la bande dessinée française: la bulle et la mise en page dans une série unique en son genre
Biniam Dawit Tragicum Principium Et Comicum Finem
Isaac Engels “I have a voice, and I do not need to scream”: Literary Voice and the Reader
Khameer Kidia Paris In The Time Of Cholera: Medicine & Society in the Nineteenth Century
Olivia Stoker A Broad Abroad
Emily Tisdale The Development of a Crisis: How Linguistic, Economic and Ideological Disparities Fuel Regional Conflict in Belgium
Amelia Wells Plus Vrai Que La Vérité: Qu’est-Ce Que L’anti-Théâtre Et Comment Le Mettre Sur Scène
Julia Wilson Human Nature and Self-Knowledge in Rousseau’s Confessions: A Modern Response to St. Augustine
Class of 2010
Meredith Bock Modern Methods: The Intersection Of Myth And Science In The Works Of Giorgio De Chirico And Primo Levi
Erin Brady The Princess In The Polis: The Urban Fairy Tale In France And Italy
Phoebe Champion Sicilianu: The Rich Language Of The Poor Man How a History of Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity on the Island Created the Modern Sicilian Lexicon
Stephan Crown-Weber Is That Man A Puzzle Piece? Navigating The Virtual Realities Of Perec’s Life A User’s Manual
Rebecca Foresman The Corporeal Intellect Of The Beckett Actor Happy Days/Oh Les Beaux Jours: A Study Via Performance
Sophia Kroft The Study Of Paleolithic Cave Art Through A Phenomenological Perspective And Its Reference In 20th-Century French Literature
Lindsey Leake The Italian Mafia And The Emergence Of American Media
Hannah McDonald-Moniz Memories Of The Forgotten Islands: Themes in Travel Writing from Corsica and Sardinia
Jonathan Solarte Ultimately Undecidable: A Lacanian Analysis Of Race And The Constitution Of The Subject
Isabel Wojtowicz In Search Of The “Real” Claude Cahun: The Complex Case Of Subjectivity In Aveux Non Avenus
Class of 2009
Violeta Banica Le musée de Proust
Amber Hovey Fashion and Culture in France
Myra Safo Hybridization within the Notion of Migration in Selected Texts of Alain Mabanckou and Frantz Fanon
Shekida Smith Double Discourse and Perplexing Perceptions: The Black Poet Intellectual in 20th and 21st Century France
Zeterrika Tanner Nouveaux Contes de fées by the Comtesse de Ségur: A Child’s Manual
Class of 2008
Catherine Adams L’amor che qui raffina La lettura dantesca nei film di Roberto Benigni
Kathryn Andersen Il Gusto del Piacere e della Salute. Italian Gastronomy in Platina’s De Honesta Voluptate et Valetudine and in Carlo Petrini’s Slow Food Movement
Michael Cutright Ceci n’est pas une thèse. Théorie et Pratique du Neutre
John Edwards L’Orazio Dantesco: Satirica Nella “Commedia”
Philip Farinacci The Impact of China on a Fragile Italian Economy Past, Present, and Future
Marina Isgro The Fantastic Atlas: Metaphors of Mapping in Calvino’s Ekphrastic Writing
Denise Klainerman Influx and Intervention: The Appeal of English Lexical Borrowings in France and Italy
Laura Peterman Role Paying: Identity, Opportunity, and the French School in Beur and Francophone Literature.
Arti Sheth Sleeping Beauties and Silver Noses. Fairy Tale Transmission and Translation from Basile to Calvino
Alexis Tucker From Baudelaire to “Bling”. Hip-Hop’s Role in French Politics and Culture.
Amber Wedges “J’ai Deux Amours” African Americans in Paris in the 20th Century
Lisa Zivkovic L'idéale pragmatique: La Bibliothèque américaine à Paris et ses avatars. De la Grande Guerre à la Libération
Class of 2007
Amarylis Bernacet La Patrie Perdue: Exile and the Search of Self in French Carribbean Literature
Page Cassin The Rapatriement of 1962: Ambiguity, Self-Censorship and Scandal in French National Identity
Taylor Landis From Palazzo to Piazza: Lorenzo de' Medici's "Canzona di Bacco" and the Myth of Laurentian Carnival
Elizabeth Linder Prologue from the Tiber, Prelude from the Thames: Lifting the Curtain on Rome and London's Metropolitan Stages -- and what Louis-Napoleon observed therein
David Minnick Looking Beyond the Cloister: Understanding Cluny's Interactions with the Outside World (910-1156)
Etzerson Philitas The Identity Formation Process as a Pillar of Beur Literature
Peter Qiunzio La coscienza dell'antieroe: il romanzo italiano durante il periodo fascista
David Rosenthal The Kick to Champagne: A Marketing History of the World's Most Fabulous Wine
Class of 2006
Tracy Fossas True Humanitarianism as an Ideal: Financial Independence , Témoignage, and Sans-Frontièrisme in the Work of Médecins sans Frontières
Jessica Gasiorek The French State and the State of French : An Examination of Current French Linguistic Legislation, Policy, and its Implications
Paul Lyons Immoral Female Characters in Madame Bovary, Les Liaisons Dangereuses and Le Père Goriot
Joanna Mukai Madame de La Fayette’s Vision of the Institution of Marriage in La Princesse de Clèves
Nicole Totino A Call for Abstinence: Communion and Liberation’s Alliance with the Catholic Church in a Voting Plea to Italy
Class of 2005
Aaron Cooper L’Art de la préface: les préfaces de Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, François Mauriac et Romain Gary entre 1945 et 1968
Caroline James Alberti e Catone: il tema del De Agricultura nel Della Famiglia
Jinha Kim All Grown-Ups Were Children First: The Universality of The Little Prince
Paul Koepp Je rappe donc je suis: Issues of Identity in le rap marseillais
Rena Paris Radicalization of the Image: The Emergence of the Irrational Self in Rimbaud’s Poetry and Surrealist Art
Daphne Putka Le Portrait de la femme dans Pride and Prejudice et Le Rouge et le Noir
Antoinette Seaberry C’est l’heure! Why the End Draws Near for France’s 35 hour Workweek
Lauren Siciliano From Valle Giulia to the Latin Quarter : Conservative Media Bias and the Student Revolts of 1968
Anne Throdahl Monarchy and the French National Identity: The Lasting Impact of the Hundred Years’ War
Class of 2004
Elizabeth Arkema The AIDS Epidemic in France and the Silence of Michel Foucault
Elizabeth Berg Laughter in the Face of Fascism: Subtle Satire in the Riviste of the 1940’s
Louise Lamphere Becoming French and Senegalese: An Ethnography of les Ecoles Maternelles
Veronica McRipley Ethnographic Bias in Voodoo, Santería, and Candomblé
Denise Wong Les Chinois de Paris: Cultural Paradoxes From Immigration to Integration
Class of 2003
Kareem Abu-Zeid Poésie pour une transcendence terrestre Une analyse de Pierre écrite d’Yves Bonnefoy
Matthieu Boyd Development, Duality, and Synthesis in the Breton Legend of the City of YS (Stones that Stay Whole, and the Sea Splits in Two)
Michael Castagna The Fall of A Giant: An Analysis of the Potential Demise of Italian Soccer and How It Can Be Prevented
Robin Hindery “Un grumo di sogni”: A Translation and Analysis of Giuseppe Ungaretti’s Porto Sepolto
Francisco Montaño Etude Historique, Culturelle et Linguistique de la Presence des Francais en Espagne Aux XIe Et XIIe Siecles
Class of 2002
Elizabeth Boothby Visionary Mirrors: The Photographic Images of Claude Cahun and the Dramatic Production of Jean Cocteau
Danya Epstein Tormented Narratives: A cross-cultural analysis of the first novels of Nina Bouraoui, Françoise Sagan, and Sylvia Plath
Cheryl Kimber May 1968 In French Fiction: A Sociological and Psychological Interpretation of the Youth Revolt
Caroline McGuire De Langue Double Maint Trouble: A Critical Review of the 2001 Ontario French Immersion Curriculum
David Taylor The Influence of André Antoine's Théâtre-Libre on the Theatrical Works of Luigi Pirandello