Q&A with, director, Carlo Sironi

Publication Year


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Department of French and Italian in collaboration with New Italian Cinema Events (N.I.C.E.) PRESENTS:
Sole (Sun)
by the emergent Italian director, Carlo Sironi

SOLE, focusing on the teenage and youth years experienced in a context of marginalization, loneliness, and cynicism. The director accurately describes the feeling of claustrophobia, the sense of disorientation, and discomfort due to the lack of roots and intercultural communication. In a society often unable to offer a model of human connections, this film shows the importance of small daily gestures, of how spontaneously one becomes attached, caring, and responsible, and how one can find a way to redeem oneself by considering the future as an alternative to a life devoid of values and substance, a possibility to glimpse new opportunities.


Anna Cellinese, Department of French and Italian.