Publications List

Publications List

108 Publications

From the country's beginning, essayists in the United States have used their prose to articulate the many ways their individuality has been shaped by the politics, social life, and culture of this place. The Cambridge History of the American Essay offers the fullest account to date of this diverse and complex history. From Puritan writings…


A fascinating and original history of an idea that now controls and monetizes almost everything we do.

Copyright is everywhere. Your smartphone incorporates thousands of items of intellectual property. Someone owns the reproduction rights to photographs of your dining table. At this very moment, battles are raging over copyright in…


The 11th edition of Seuls en Scène

Festival featuring renowned and emerging French writers, actors, and directors in eight…


Qui est Georges Perec ? C’est pour répondre à cette question que le traducteur anglais de La Vie mode d’emploi s’est mis en quête de celui qui est, pour beaucoup, l’écrivain le plus novateur de sa génération.

La biographie riche et élégante de David Bellos est la première étude aboutie de l’oeuvre diverse de Perec. Elle…


Voci Italiane: Contemporary Readings for Intermediate to Advanced Students by Anna Cellinese presents students with a series of calibrated and thought-provoking readings from both contemporary Italian fiction and non-fiction. The Reader exposes learners to the authentic language of 21st- century authors whose voices and work…


Like the bicycle itself, bicycle travel is usually regarded with polite but superficial curiosity, or relegated to the status of a hobby for the masochists, the childish and the less fortunate, or – more often than not – simply ignored and absent from the shelves of travel literature. However, as soon as it appeared, this first autonomous…


Une étude littéraire de la représentation de l’Antiquité dans les œuvres politiques de Jean-Jacques Rousseau montre comment il transforme l’idée classique d'exemplarité en modèles politiques modernes. Chez lui, la République romaine modélise le rapport entre formation morale et activité civique.


A new strain of realism has emerged in France. The novels that embody it represent diverse fears—immigration and demographic change, radical Islam, feminism, new technologies, globalization, American capitalism, and the European Union—but these books, often best-sellers, share crucial affinities. In their dystopian visions, the collapse of…


A video recording (Recorded on April 6, 2021) of an online discussion on the philosophical heritage of the events of 1968 in France and in Czechoslovakia will be organized on the occasion of the publication of the collective volume Revolutions for the Future: May ’68 and the Prague Spring (ed. Jana Ndiaye Berankova, Michael…


Virtual library visit for the students of ECS 326 / FRE 326 (Prof. Volker Schröder). 

Marquand Library of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University. 

Books featured in this video: 

Plans, vues et…

Francesco Rosi is one of the great realist artists of post-war Italian, indeed post-war world cinema. In this book, author Gaetana Marrone explores the rich visual language in which the Neapolitan filmmaker expresses the cultural icons that constitute his style and images. Over the years, Rosi has offered us films that trace an intricate path…


A new strain of realism has emerged in France. The novels that embody it represent diverse fears—immigration and demographic change, radical Islam, feminism, new technologies, globalization, American capitalism, and the European Union—but these books, often best-sellers, share crucial affinities. In their dystopian visions, the collapse of…


Of all the cultural "revolutions" brought about by the development of printing technology during the sixteenth century, perhaps the most remarkable but least understood is the purported rise of European vernacular languages. It is generally accepted that the invention of printing constitutes an event in the history of language that has…


Cet ouvrage présente une synthèse inédite des travaux conduits dans les pays anglo-saxons en matière de multimodalité, d’analyse multimodale des discours et de multilittératies. Ces recherches, qui connaissent aujourd’hui un développement important, sont encore peu connues des lecteurs francophones. Or, en remettant en question nombre de…

Journal Article

 By David A. Bello . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. 350 pp. ISBN: 9781107068841 (cloth)


The publication of Reading Capital—by Louis Althusser, Étienne Balibar, Roger Establet, Pierre Macherey, and Jacques Rancière—in 1965 marked a key intervention in Marxist philosophy and critical theory, bringing forth a stunning array of concepts that continue to inspire philosophical reflection of the highest magnitude. 


Les Misérables is among the most popular and enduring novels ever written. Like Inspector Javert’s dogged pursuit of Jean Valjean, its appeal has never waned, but only grown broader in its one-hundred-and-fifty-year life. Whether we encounter Victor Hugo’s story on the page, onstage, or on-screen, Les Misérables&nbsp…

Journal Article

 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016). Pages xviii + 336 + tables 9 + maps 5. £64.99 hardback, $80.00 ebook