Vincent Chanethom (pronounced as [ˈʧænəθm̩] in English; or [ʃanətɔm] in French; or [ʨ antʰom] in Lao) received his Ph.D. in linguistics from New York University, where he carried out research in bilingual acquisition and language interaction in the speech production of French-English bilingual children, which was supported by a dissertation improvement grant from the National Science Foundation. Before his doctoral studies, he earned an M.A. in Linguistics from Syracuse University (NY) and a Maîtrise in English language and literature (LLCE Anglais) from L'Université de Savoie (Chambéry, France). He also taught various linguistics and French language courses at George Mason University (VA). He is currently the Head of Course for FRE 101 and 102 in the French and Italian Department at Princeton University, where he is developing pedagogical resources for the explicit learning of French pronunciation based on cross-linguistic differences with respect to articulatory, acoustic, and aerodynamic characteristics of speech sounds. He is the co-founder of the Non-Native Articulatory (NNA) Corpus (with Harim Kwon – Seoul National University, South Korea), an acoustic and articulatory database of French L2 learners and native speakers. He also currently serves as a member of the organizing committee of the biennial international conference on the teaching of French as a foreign language (Colloque International sur l’Enseignement du Français Language Étrangère).
Current Research
His research interests include French linguistics, first/second language acquisition, bilingualism, articulatory and acoustic phonetics, experimental phonology, and teaching pedagogy. He is currently engaged in multiple inter-institutional collaborative research projects to investigate the phonetic properties of L2 speech, its production and perception, both acoustically and articulatorily. With Patrick-André Mather (University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, PR), he studies the effects of native language and the role of input source variability in the acquisition of a second language in formal environments, including foreign language classrooms. With Alice Henderson (Université de Grenoble, France), he examines the use of automatic speech recognition (ASR) software to provide feedback to L2 learners in comparison to native listeners. Finally, with Harim Kwon (Seoul National University, South Korea), Suzy Ahn (University of Ottawa, Canada), and Florian Lionnet (Princeton University), he continues to develop the NNA Corpus, an online speech database to explore the articulatory and acoustic properties of French L2 speech, as well as French native speech from various backgrounds and regions
Selected Publications
Chanethom, V. and Henderson, A. (2023). Alignment in ASR and L1 Listeners’ recognition of L2 learner speech: French EFL learners & Dictation.io. Research in Language (21)3, 245-266.
Chanethom, V. (2022). From childhood to adulthood: A longitudinal case study of English VOT acquisition (abstract). The 7th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues & Practices – Book of Abstracts, 45-46.
Chanethom, V. (Forthcoming). Comparing French tautosyllabic vowel-glide sequences and English falling diphthongs: a cross-linguistic acoustic analysis of off-gliding. Languages in Contrast.
Chanethom, V., Masella Soldati, G., Todd, H., Brennan, H., Myers, J., Hannon, D., Yaghmour, B. and Kwon, H. (2021). The Non-Native Articulatory corpus - French: An ultrasound corpus of French as an additional language (abstract). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150(4), 190.
Chanethom, V. (2020). Students’ attitudes toward critical telecollaboration: A case study in an L2/L3 French classroom. In P. Mather (eds.), Technology-Enhanced Learning and Linguistic Diversity: Strategies and Approaches to Teaching Students in a 2nd or 3rd Language ( pp. 106-128). Emerald Publishing: UK.
Chanethom, V. and Mather, P.A. (2019). Production and perception of French nasal vowel contrasts by English- and Spanish-speaking L2 learners. In Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching 10(2), 207-228.
Chanethom, V. (2011). Dynamic differences in the production of diphthongs by French-English bilingual children (abstract). In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130(4), 2522.
Chanethom, V. (2011). Dynamic differences in child bilinguals’ production of diphthongs. In A. Botinis (ed.) Proceedings of the 4th International Speech Communication Association Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics (pp. 55-58). Athens, Greece: ISCA and the University of Athens.
Chanethom, V. (2010). Influence of American English on second generation Lao immigrant speakers. English Today 26(3), 20-26.
Selected Presentations
“Using ASR in language classrooms: How does it compare to human listeners? (A Replication Study).” Poster presented at 2024 Hawaii International Conference on Education, Waikoloa, Hawaii, January 6.
“Critical telecollaboration in French language classroom: from the students’ perspectives.” Invited talk in INGL 4237 Introduction to Linguistics Research, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Pedras, PR, October 25.
“Acquisition of tautosyllabic vowel-glide sequences by preschool and school- aged French-English bilingual children.” Invited talk in LIN 400 Junior Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, October 4.
“Alignment in ASR and L1 Listeners’ Recognition of L2 learner speech: A replication study (with Alice Henderson).” Paper presented at Accents 2022: 15th International Conference on Native and Non-native Accents of English, Lodz, Poland, December 8-10, 2022.
“The effect of voicing, gemination, and manner on tongue root position in Saudi Arabic coronal obstruents (with Sarah Alamri and Harim Kwon).” Paper presented at Ultrafest X: Conference on Ultrasound Imaging for Speech and Language Research, Manchester, UK, November 3-4, 2022.
“From childhood to adulthood: A longitudinal case study of English VOT acquisition.” Poster presented at The 7th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues & Practices, Université de Grenoble, France, May 18-20, 2022.
“Pronunciation instruction in L2 classrooms: raising awareness among the learners.” Invited talk in GER 316 Second Language Acquisition and Pedagogy, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, October 27, 2022.
“The Non-Native Articulatory corpus - French: An ultrasound corpus of French as an additional language (with Giulia Masella Soldati, Haley Todd, Hannah Brennan, Jaxon Myers, Domi Han- non, Bren Yaghmour and Harim Kwon).” Poster presented at The 181st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), Seattle (WA), November 29 - December 3, 2021.
“The Non-Native Articulatory corpus - French: An ultrasound corpus of French as an additional language (with Masella Soldati, G., Todd, H., Brennan, H., Myers, J., Hannon, D., Yaghmour, B. and Kwon, H.).” Workshop presentation, Phonlab Meeting, Linguistics Program (English Department), George Mason University, November 12, 2021.
“Job applications in Academia: Experience and recommendations for future applicants.” Invited talk at Diversity, Decolonization, and the French Curriculum (DDFC) Job Market Panel: French Studies, Linguistics and SLA, October 20, 2021.
“Students’ attitudes towards critical telecollaboration.” Invited talk in INGL 4237 Introduction to Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, Universidad de Puerto Rico (Rio Piedras), San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 9, 2021.
“Enseignement du français langue étrangère: perspectives des enseignants migrants africains (with Michel Tinguiri).” Paper presented at the 6e Colloque International sur l’Enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère, Universidad de Puerto Rico (Rio Piedras), San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 25-27, 2021.
“Building an acoustic and articulatory corpus of French as an additional language (with Harim Kwon).” Invited talk at the The Honors College Colloquium, George Mason University, VA, September 1, 2020.
“Phonétique française: théories et pratique pour l’enseignement explicite de la pronunciation.” Online workshop presentation in Graduate Phonetics Workshop, Department of French and Italian, Princeton University, August 18, 2020.
“La relation entre production et perception: implications pour l’enseignement de la prononciation en classe de langue seconde.” Keynote speech for the Colloque International sur l’Enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère, Universidad de Puerto Rico (Rio Piedras), San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 28 - March 2, 2019.
“Investigating French-English bilingual children’s production of tautosyllabic vowel-glide sequences using Smoothing Spline ANOVA.” Workshop presentation, The Linguistics Brownbag, Linguistics Program (English Department), George Mason University, April 2, 2019.