Morgan Teman
Morgan is a member of the Class of 2023 hailing from Delray Beach, Florida, but originally born and raised in New York City. She is majoring in Computer Science and will be earning certificates in French, Entrepreneurship, and Theater. She has played the roles of Camille in On ne badine pas avec l’amour, Chérubin in Le mariage de Figaro, Hyacinthe in Les fourberies de Scapin, and has operated lights and sound for Le pays lointain. Outside of l’Avant-Scène, she sings in Shere Khan A Cappella, writes for All-Nighter, gives campus tours for Orange Key, serves as Workshop Chair on the Princeton Computer Science Council, is a TA for the Computer Science department, and runs outreach for IgniteSTEM.
Swas Goel
Swas is a senior at the Princeton International School of Math and Science, New Jersey. The only high-schooler in "L'Avant-Scène", he has been an actor in numerous French plays at Princeton University, including Silvestre in "Les fourberies de Scapin", Le Choeur in "On ne badine pas avec l'amour", and Tartuffe in "Tartuffe". Outside of l'Avant-Scène, he is President of the Model UN club, school prefect, the head admissions ambassador at his high school, a youth leader for Somerset County, and captain of the varsity basketball team. In his free time, Swas enjoys learning languages (he currently speaks 6 languages), analyzing maps, and skiing.
Isabelle Chen
Isabelle is a Ph.D. student in the Department of French and Italian. She is originally from Davis, California, but completed her undergraduate education at Wellesley College in Massachusetts before spending time teaching English in Perpignan, France. She particularly enjoys the more textual elements of theatre such as translation and adaptation— for the 2020 virtual Seuls en Scène festival, she wrote the English subtitles for Marion Siefert’s film Du sale! In terms of performance, she played the role of “Le garçon, tous les garçons” in Le pays lointain, and will play Béline in Le Malade imaginaire.
Sultan Habsi
Sultan is a member of the Class of 2022, and a proud resident of Muscat, Oman - a sleepy oasis in the Middle East. He is part of the Economics department, and is pursuing certificates in Political Economy, French, German, and Russian. Sultan has recently joined the troupe, but has previously played the role of Orestes in Andromaque. Outside of l’Avant-Scène, he works as the Student Coordinator of the Davis International Center, is a representative of SpeakOut, a TA for the Economics Department, and works on translations for the Slavic Department.
Flora Champy
Hailing from Paris, Flora Champy studied classics, French literature, and cinema before joining the Department of French and Italian as an Assistant Professor in 2018. Her research focuses on the French Enlightenment and the political philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. She took theater classes with Eric Eigenmann in Geneva and Daniel Mesguich in Paris. Within l'Avant-scène, she has played the roles of Marceline in Le Mariage de Figaro, and Madame Pluche and Rosette in On ne badine pas avec l’amour.
Anna Vinitsky
Anna is a member of the Class of 2021 raised in Philadelphia and currently residing in Princeton, NJ. She is concentrating in History and is pursuing certificates in French and German. Anna has starred as La Comtesse in Le Mariage de Figaro (2019) and Lisette in La Double Inconstance (2019). Outside of L'Avant-Scène, Anna is an attorney and former captain on the Princeton Mock Trial Team.
Nick Shashkini
Nick is a Senior from Tbilisi, Georgia, majoring in the German Department's Culture and Politics track. He has been performing with l'Avant-Scène since his freshman year, with roles in Le Bourgeois gentilhomme, Un fil à la patte, Les Demoiselles de Rochefort, Tous des oiseaux, Roberto Zucco, Le pays lointain, Les fourberies de Scapin, and On ne badine pas avec l'amour. Under Florent Masse's tutelage, he has also worked closely with visiting artists like Guillaume Gallienne and Pascal Rambert. Aside from performing with l'Avant-Scène, Nick works as a research assistant for Professor Michael Jennings, writes for the Daily Princetonian, plays guitar in his band, directs Lot 49 (Princeton's only immersive theater company), and cooks and bakes with love.
Peter Foster
Peter is a member of the Class of 2021 from Pittsburgh, PA. He majors in History with certificates in French, Theater, European Cultural Studies, and Medieval Studies. With l'Avant-Scène, Peter has performed as Le Comte in Beaumarchais' Le Mariage de Figaro and as Perdican in de Musset's On ne badine avec l'amour, as well as participating in l'Avant-Scène classes in the French department. When he's not performing with l'Avant-Scène, Peter can be seen singing with The Princeton Tigertones acappella group or acting in English-language plays and short films.
Donald Della
Donald is a student in the Class of 2022 concentrating in Psychology. He is from Long Island, New York. He made his L’Avant-Scène debut in Incendies, participated in the fourteenth edition of L’Avant-Scène in Paris, and performed in Le Misanthrope by Molière and Ça ira (1) Fin de Louis. He most recently played Arlequin in La Double Inconstance. He has written a book that analyzes concepts in spirituality and self-help from a skeptical lens, and is currently working on a startup.