A Transgenre Celebration

Lecture Recital by Dr. Heidi J. Tsai


Event Description

A Transgenre Celebration from the cross-dressing Abbot François-Timoléon de Choisy (1644-1724) and the celebration of 17th-transcriptions for the harpsichord in France

Lecture Recital by Dr. Heidi J. Tsai

A Transgenre Celebration is a journey that will seek out compositions that were transcribed in their original era to the solo harpsichord. It aims to highlight the differences and similarities in sonority and style from the derived genre (orchestral, chamber, or from another instrument) to the harpsichord.

Heidi Tsai, equally virtuosic in harpsichord, fortepiano, and piano, performs regularly on all three instruments, bringing to life different genres of repertoire from the 17th to the 21st century. She has been featured as a soloist on both fortepiano and harpsichord in Europe and the United States and has collaborated in an orchestral setting with Christian Zacharias, Giovanni Antonini, and Leonard Slatkin, among others. She is also the co-founder and artistic director of the early music group Barcelona Barroc and has taught piano and harpsichord at Boston University, Indiana University, the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya in Barcelona, and the Conservatoire in Pau, France.

Performance Program

Jacques-Champion de Chambonnières (1601-1672)

  • Pavane : L’entretien des Dieux

Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) / Jean-Henri d’Anglebert (1629-1691)

  • Les démons, l’air de ballet (Thésée)
  • Les sourdines de Renaud (Armide)
  • Chaconne de Phaéton

René Mesangeau(Mézangeot) (1567-1638) / J-H. d’Anglebert

  • Sarabande de Mesangeau

Louis de Caix d’Hervelois (1677-1759) / arr. Heidi Tsai (1970- )

  • Plainte in C Major

Jean-Baptiste Barrière (1707-1747)

  • Prelude in G Major

Antoine Forqueray (1681-1757) / Jean Baptiste Forqueray (1699-1782)

  • La Marella
  • Sarabande d’aubonne
  • La Saincy
  • Le carillon de Passy
  • La Latour

François Couperin (1688-1733)

  • La Régente ou la Minerve
  • Musette de Choisy
  • Musette de Taverny 


Department of Music