
The French program in the Department of French and Italian is hosting a series of events to celebrate diversity in the Francophone World during the Spring semester of 2023. The events, which involve guest lectures by speakers from different parts of “Francophonie”, master classes and panel discussions, will be connected to undergraduate courses in the department, but will also offer many venues open to the wider undergraduate population and to the public. Officials from the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) and from the Délégation Générale du Québec à New York, as well as community partners such as the French Heritage Language Program (FHLP) will take part in the celebrations. The goal of these events is to create a forum for intercultural, interdisciplinary and artistic exchanges and foster future collaborations.
As part of a series of events to celebrate diversity in the French-speaking world, Princeton University's Department of French and Italian, in partnership with the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), is organizing a panel for students. Two Princeton faculty in the French Language Program will moderate the panel - Christine Sagnier, Director, and Carole Trévise, Lecturer. Participants on the panel include:
Nos Invités

S.E Mohamed Siad Doualeh
Représentant permanent de Djibouti auprès des Nations Unies, Président du Groupe des Ambassadeurs francophones

M. Adel Ben Lagha
Représentant permanent adjoint de la Tunisie auprès des Nations Unies

M. Ilir Nezaj
Conseiller à la Mission permanente de l'Albanie auprès des Nations Unies

M. Alexandre Wolff
Responsable de l’Observatoire de la langue française à la Représentation pour les Amériques (REPAM) de l’OIF

MME. Patricia Herdt
Analyste politique principale à la Représentation de l’OIF auprès des Nations Unies

MME. Christine Sagnier
Directrice du programme de français | Modératrice

MME. Carole Trévise
Professeur de français à l'Université de Princeton, Modératrice