Paolo Benvegnù / Nicholas Ciuferri

Thu, Mar 14, 2019, 7:00 pm7:00 pm


Event Description

Performance Poster: Paolo Benvegnù e Nicholas V Ciuferri
Thursday, March 14, 2019; 7:00 PM | Wilson Black Box Theater

An evening of songs and storytelling with Paolo Benvegnù  and Nicholas Ciuferri.

Nicholas Ciuferri . In 2016, he has published the monograph A/traverso. Franco 'Bifo' Berardi in movimento (Universitalia), a study of the Italian protest movements in the second half of the Twentieth Century, in particular in Bologna. In the spring of 2018 his short-story collection "Alberi" has been published by Edizioni Erasmo.

Paolo Benvegnù is an Italian guitarist and songwriter with a distinguished career on the independent pop-rock scene. Early in his career, has collaborated with the band Scisma, with which he produced three albums (Bombardano Cortina, 1995, Rosemary Plexiglas, 1997, and Armstrong, 1999), and was awarded the Premio Ciampi in 1998. As a soloist, he has released several studio albums, most recently Earth Hotel (2014, Woodworm label) and H3+ (2017, Woodworm label).