Ciné-Club presents, Mathieu Kassovitz’s "La Haine" (1995)

Nov 27, 2017, 7:30 pm7:30 pm
Wilson College Black Box Theater


Event Description

Monday November 27, 7:30PM, Wilson College Black Box Theater
Ciné-Club presents,  Mathieu Kassovitz’s La Haine (1995)

When a young Arab is arrested and beaten unconscious by police, a riot erupts in the notoriously violent suburbs outside of Paris. Three of the victim's peers — Vinz, Said, and Hubert — wander aimlessly about their home turf in the aftermath of the violence as they try to come to grips with their outrage over the brutal incident. After one of the men finds a police officer's discarded weapon, their night seems poised to take a bleak turn. This film won Best Director at Cannes Film Festival along with many other awards.

Film presented in French with English subtitles.