FRE-207F & PIF Internships

The Department of French and Italian is pleased to announce that 207F and Princeton in France will be offered jointly during the summer of 2025 in collaboration with the International Internship Programs (IIP). FRE-207F will be an intensive, four-week program led by Murielle Perrier from June 2nd to June 27th, 2025. Students will have daily classes taught by Princeton faculty and local instructors and will engage in cultural exploration through a series of visits and exchanges with guest speakers from the Aix-en-Provence region. 207F will also include training in preparation for the internships.

Students who have completed FRE 1027, FRE 107, or FRE 108 by the end of the Spring semester, and are interested in pursuing a certificate or a concentration in French, are invited to apply.

FRE 207F will run from June 2nd to June 27th, 2025, followed by Princeton in France internships from June 30th to July 25th, 2025.

* Early application is strongly encouraged and begins on November 1st, 2024, and will close on December 4th, 2024Selection interviews will be from Selection interviews will be from December 9th to December 13th of 2024. The selection of participants will be announced in December, shortly after the interviews. Applications must be completed in the Global Programs System (GPS) by the deadline of December 4th, 2024. Please note that NO LATE APPLICATIONS will be accepted. Application Process 

Princeton in France (PIF) Internships

(Aix-en-Provence, France)


Princeton in France (PIF) is a unique internship opportunity open to students enrolled in Aix-en- Provence 207F. Administered through the International Internship Program (IIP) in partnership with the Department of French and Italian, PIF internships are 4 weeks, and their goal is to introduce students to French culture and prioritize the cultural immersion experience. 


Students enrolled in 207F will automatically have the option to apply for a Princeton in France internship in Aix-en-Provence, which would immediately follow the 207F program. However, participation in the additional 4-week internship program is not a requirement for FRE 207F, nor is an internship guaranteed.

Application Process

Students interested in Princeton in France will first need to apply to FRE-207F, where they can indicate their intention to pursue a PIF internship. There is no separate application for the Princeton in France internship. Once accepted to the language immersion program, students interested in PIF will meet with IIP advisers to discuss their internship choices and write an intention letter/cover letter for their preferred internship. IIP will attempt to place students in the most appropriate internship available.

Internship Requirements

● Students should complete the Princeton in France Internship Application in GPS.

Students who are interested in an eight-week internship in France should learn more about the opportunities through the IIP office.